Rebuilding Malaysia: Addressing human development, institutional failures, graft, and crisis of direction Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos October 10, 2024
Italian magistrate Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini honoured for fight against graft Twentytwo13 December 14, 2022
Criminologist: Pledges, one-off events not enough to tackle graft in Malaysia Twentytwo13 January 26, 2022
‘Give corruption a chance; it may not be so bad for Malaysia after all’ Haris Hussain January 14, 2022
Elevate Malaysian sports – adopt ratings system to promote integrity, rid itself of dishonest practices Haresh Deol December 1, 2021
MACC chief reminds sports officials to uphold integrity and not abuse position Twentytwo13 November 25, 2021
Safeguards in place to ensure transparency in disbursement of transfer fees Twentytwo13 September 15, 2021
Criminologist calls for tougher sentences against officers of the court convicted of graft Pearl Lee August 12, 2021