
As we leave 2020, all we want from Santa is …

It has been a tiring and challenging 2020.

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted daily lives as nations locked borders as global trade takes a beating.

Malaysians of all walks are eager to greet a healthier and happier 2021, but not before celebrating Christmas in this new normal era.

Christians worldwide will celebrate Christmas tomorrow, the day that marks the birth of Jesus.

Twentytwo13 reached out to several Malaysians and asked them: Given the circumstances this year, if they had one gift they would want from Santa, what would it be?

There were those who asked for happiness, the ability to travel abroad and there was one who hoped for a new stadium!

Here are their replies:

Leong See Kay, human resources manager

“An immediate Covid-19 vaccination for all!”

Gary Mark Nagan, corporate communications manager

“A permanent cure because the Christmas feeling, going to church, the family and friend gathering, and even the mood at shopping centres, are all missing. To make it worse, you read of people losing jobs or getting pay cuts … it’s definitely not part of celebrating Christmas as it used to be.”

Ruth Emilena D’Cruz, legal firm office manager

“If I could ask Santa for one thing this Christmas … well it’d be more like three things – the courage to face 2021; to reward the kindness of people; and to bless those in need.”

Pandelela Rinong Pamg, Olympian

“I want a new body! Wait let me rephrase that. I want a new injury-free body.

I’ve had so many injuries through the years, so having a new one would be perfect! Also, I wish I could go home (to Sarawak) for Christmas but that’s not possible due to the Covid-19 restrictions.

Hopefully, everyone stays safe this holiday.”

Jeffrey Miranda, business development manager

“A gift from Santa? … To be able to have a calm and peaceful mind amidst all that is happening in the world and in Malaysia today.”

Sharon Chong, lawyer

“That one day when we have overcome Covid-19 (and we will), the world will not forget about how a single virus has paralysed even the most powerful nations in the world, and so we should re-focus on what’s important – love our Earth, stop destroying Mother Nature and be kind to one another.”

Crawford Oon, service desk analyst

“I would want Santa to stay indoors and not catch the virus or hope he can kill the virus entirely. And when it’s safe, I would like to have a foldable electric bicycle. Thank you, Santa. Amen.”

Julia Nicholas, public relations practitioner

“An ‘open’ round trip ticket around the globe which I will cash in immediately after a sustainable solution to this pandemic is found.”

Norman Pereira, events director

“To win the Sports Toto Supreme 6/58 Jackpot which currently stands at RM45,013,751.02.”

Julian Khor, Commissioner for Oaths

“I wish Covid-19 never happened and that our lives returned to normal.”

Stanley Bernard, Kuala Lumpur Football Association chief executive officer

“A stadium!”

Priscilla Arokiasamy, news reader

“Christmas is not the same for many people this year, especially for me after my mom’s passing due to ALS. As many have suffered from Covid-19 this year, I can relate to the emotions and suffering as I saw what my mom went through. Therefore, if Santa gives me a wish, I would ask for healing. I wish that we will be healed from the suffering and pain of losing people. In the name of healing, I wish for hope and joy in people who have lost their loved ones through this deadly disease.”

Joanne Melissa Wong, head of programmes at Women’s Aid Organisation

“Dear Santa, 2020 has been challenging for all. I hope for the pandemic to end soon and that all be blessed with good health. I also hope to travel again!”

Datuk Windsor Paul John, Asian Football Confederation (AFC) general secretary

“I wish Santa will not hijack this Christmas again and let people know the real reason for Christmas – the birth of Jesus and the hope He brings.”

Crescentia Lim, housewife

“I wish we would be able to travel (abroad) again and there will no longer be constant fear of retrenchment and hardship.”

Charles Philip, event maker

“Given the circumstances and the alternate reality where Santa lives, I would ask him for the next Sports Toto 6/58 winning ticket. With that, I can help a lot of my friends who are in dire need of funds, including myself and my company so we can weather the current situation.”

Alric Manickam, country manager AFP Malaysia and Brunei

“I would like for the world to overcome Covid-19.”

Aegile Fernandez, Tenaganita director and consultant for human trafficking

“Take away Covid-19 so life can come back to normal and people can have jobs, can survive and we do not have to spend so much money trying to cure people. We have learnt a lot of lessons this year but I think people have suffered enough. Give us back the chance to re-live our lives.”

Stuart Ramalingam, FA of Malaysia general secretary

“The gift from Santa … simple. Three more wins in the World Cup qualifiers next year.”