One smile can start a friendship. One word can end a fight. One look can save a relationship. But one motorcycle can change your life.
Late one morning, my staff forwarded a message from our appointment centre. Reading it made me feel good inside.
I’m sure this was the first time the appointment section of any hospital had to handle this type of request. A man who identified himself as a biker, wanted to discuss this hobby with me.
I was curious about who this restless soul was. On contacting him, I realised he was the son of a lady I had operated on eight years ago. She was doing fine, with great vision.
Back then, he was surprised to see me walking into the outpatient department (OPD) in my riding gear. During subsequent follow-up visits, apart from knowing his mother’s progress, he would ask questions about my bike, riding gear, and off-road training and rides.
That interaction in 2016 gave him the courage and impetus to get a similar bike – BMW GS Adventure 1200 – two years ago.
I am an influencer!
When I asked how I could help him, he said he used to read the write-ups of my 5am Dhabha Ride Club members.
He was surprised there were no articles after December 2023. I told him about my high-speed accident in November 2023, the injury, the operation, and the total loss of my bike. He was taken aback and apologetic.
I had to reassure him that I was healed, in the process of getting a new bike and would start my rides soon.
When I asked how I could help him, he said getting the bike had changed his outlook and habits.
His issue was that his riding buddies did not ride enough. Feeling a bit depressed, I popped into his mind. He was reaching out to join the 5am rides.
He apologised for getting in touch through the call centre. We ended the call with my promise to include him in the rides once I resumed.
The feeling when you ride is like no other. You feel free and unstoppable. Riding is the passion, the joy, the stress reliever, and a happiness generator.
It is a way of life. I think he was experiencing that.
I forwarded the call centre message to the person in charge of my OPD. She wanted to know if I was okay with receiving it. I answered her in the most resounding affirmative.
The quote of the day that I posted was: ‘Aim to reach a level where you can help others without a second thought.’
For me, it was about helping another person when he needed it. Though it was non-medical, it was still therapeutic for the gentleman.
I suppose the thought of joining the 5am club for 500km sunrise breakfast rides was euphoric.
Healing is not always about prescribing medication or performing surgeries but establishing connections and developing rapport and communication.
A good friend will know your best stories, but a biker friend would have lived them with you.
“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.” – Hippocrates