
Dear Government, it’s time to kick butt!

The Movement Control Order was imposed on March 18 in a bid to stem the spike in Covid-19 cases.

It has disrupted millions of lives– socially and financially – but I deem it a “necessary evil”.

Understandably, there are those with difficulties who need to go out and get things done. But for the rest of us – what’s 14 days of staying home most of the time just so we don’t get infected or infect others?

We are talking about saving lives, ours included. Yet, there are the recalcitrant ones who pay no heed to any of this. They prefer to remain blissfully ignorant.

Nothing matters to this selfish lot except having things their way.

Yesterday, I received several video clips of people INTENTIONALLY flouting the Movement Control Order, even ignoring police announcements and warnings.

There was one clip which showed a whole lot of children playing at a park. They refused to disperse even after a police patrol car came and made an announcement through the vehicle’s public address system. They only started leaving when a policeman came out of the car a couple of minutes later.

Then there was another clip of someone at a park in Penang. He argued with enforcement officers for more than five minutes, refusing to leave although they explained to him that parks are out of bounds for this period. He kept insisting on his right to be in a public place. He’s lucky to have escaped arrest.

What’s wrong with these people?

Commonsense has been flung out the window and replaced with apathy, stupidity and mindlessness.

PsST poster

It’s apparent that the government’s soft approach is being taken for granted by this lot. It’s not working. It’s time to get tough and not fear antagonising anyone.

To put it bluntly, these people are law-breakers. Appropriate action must be taken against them, including throwing them in jail if necessary. Call in the army if that’s required to get the job done. People’s lives are at stake.

Enough is enough. It’s time to kick butt!