
Discovering Kuala Lumpur’s heritage from the eyes of SeniorsAloud

There are regular heritage walks, but the SeniorsAloud Jai Hind Heritage Walk adds a unique twist to the experience. Led by seniors who seek not only enjoyment but also a good workout, camaraderie, and delicious food, this expedition was a celebration of sorts of their senior lives.

For seniors, age should not be a barrier, but an invitation to redefine what it means to embrace life’s adventures, regardless of age.

On Feb 27, a spirited group of 22 seniors embarked on an exciting Heritage Walk through the historic heart of the city at 7.30am. They walked, laughed, and forged new friendships while exploring Kuala Lumpur’s iconic landmarks.

Embarking on the heritage walk, the group explored iconic landmarks such as the Royal Selangor Club, St Mary’s Cathedral, Merdeka Square, and the Sultan Abdul Samad Building. Some of the participants took turns acting as guides, sharing insightful stories about each site, often outshining official tour guides.

With each step, Kuala Lumpur’s rich history was unearthed, guided by fellow members who eagerly shared their insights and anecdotes. The latter were born and bred in old Kuala Lumpur before it became a city but seldom visited these sites.

For most of the participants, it was a journey of discovery, as they marvelled at the architectural wonders and cultural significance of each site.

These early explorations showcased Kuala Lumpur’s rich history and cultural diversity, setting the stage for the day’s adventure.

Camaraderie and bonding blossomed throughout the walk. Some of them were meeting for the very first time!

After walking for two hours and in the process building up a good appetite, the group proceeded to Jai Hind, a restaurant, for a traditional Punjabi breakfast. The group members took snapshots with the owner Bhoopender Singh amidst the aroma of freshly-brewed cha and an array of prantha, chappati, and sweet delicacies.

With appetites satiated, the group resumed their heritage exploration, immersing themselves in the stories of Masjid India, Masjid Jamek, Coliseum cinema, the confluence of the Gombak and Klang Rivers, and the old Globe Silk Store, and Mun Loong. Each site offered a glimpse into the city’s past, fostering a sense of wonder and appreciation.

The participants, undeterred by age, let their hair down and danced joyfully in front of the iconic Coliseum cinema. Yes, seniors too know how to have fun!

Patriotism shone through as they proudly displayed the national flag in the group pictures, showcasing their love and patriotism for their country.

Covering approximately five kilometres on foot and 9,000 steps, they not only enjoyed visiting the heritage sites but also got an excellent workout in the process.

No exploration of Kuala Lumpur would be complete without sampling its diverse cuisine. At lunchtime, the group gathered to savour the iconic Malaysian dish, ‘mee rebus’, savouring the spicy gravy mixed with noodles and boiled eggs, served with ‘rojak’.

In essence, this adventure proved that seniors know how to have a blast, appreciating heritage, camaraderie, and delicious food, proving it’s never too late for joyous exploration.

As the group bid farewell to the day’s adventures, they carried with them not only cherished memories, but also a renewed appreciation for the beauty and diversity of Kuala Lumpur’s heritage.

Main Image courtesy of Pola Singh.