
Everything about that tie screams overkill

Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq

You’d think young MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman would be a snappier dresser.

His strange lack of colour coordination and that green tie he wore to the Dewan Rakyat today could have come straight off the set of a gangster movie.

The young man made a fashion misstep that prompted a tweet by @amirulruslan:

“Datuk Speaker, dengan izin, I hereby seek a motion, Datuk Speaker, to formally censure the honourable Member for Muar for his crimes against fashion, style and good taste! (Insert loud banging, thumping, cheers, jeers).

Why It Didn’t Work: There’s eccentric and there’s just plain silly, and the Youth and Sports minister falls firmly in the latter camp.

The suit is fine but together with that tie, it’s simply way too much.

What’s with that green tie? Well, it’s the Royal Military College tie, one which graduates of the institution wear every Wednesday.

It’s supposed to make it easier for the graduates or Old Putera to recognise each other. OK. Understood.

But for the time being Syed Saddiq is a big winner in the terrible wardrobe league. Let’s see what he wears tomorrow.