
In Covid-19 battle, fulfilling basic responsibilities is vital

An enemy unknown is the most dangerous of all foes, so they say.

As Covid-19 infections continue to spread without a singular “cure” or approved vaccine identified, the world as we know it has changed, seemingly overnight. More than half the globe is today on some form of lockdown with unprecedented restrictions on travel and contact.

Change is difficult for most. As of yesterday, there were over 4,000 arrests for violations of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia.

For many of us at home, there is widespread grumbling and frustration about the inefficiencies and impracticalities of #WFH, and genuine concerns about the economic impact it will have on individuals and businesses.

In such circumstances, it is important to remember the simple truth that these lockdowns are not a matter of choice.

No government in the world honestly wants their country to grind to a standstill. All are aware of the severe adverse effects of an MCO on the economy – particularly in a time of global recession – and on the mental health of individuals, particularly those with existing conditions and those for whom home is sadly not their “safe place”.

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But what we do know is that this virus thrives in large gatherings and that it is a very serious, deadly illness. It naturally follows that avoidance of social contact is presently the best way of containing the spread of infections.

Our hope is that in the (near) future, there will be a vaccine and an all-encompassing proven “cure” for patients – but until such time, we can only do what we know so far, and that is to abide by the rules of social distancing.

So while our medical professionals work around the clock to treat those infected with Covid-19 and to develop more effective ways of combating it, we must do our part to help them help us.

We can, and must, wash our hands frequently. We can, and must, avoid social gatherings. We can, and must, avoid going out unnecessarily. We can, and must, honestly declare our symptoms to those working on the frontlines.

In these unprecedented moments, these are our basic civic responsibilities.

This is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of Twentytwo13.