
No Fathers Day greeting, but it’s okay

It’s tough being a father. The responsibilities and worries in bringing up children never end.

For example, my 31-year-old son. Just the other day he left for work around noon and only returned at 4.30am. Yes, he’s old enough and can take care of himself, but it doesn’t work that way for parents.

He’s a big buffalo (said with utmost love). At his age, there should be no parental rules. Wait till he gets hitched. I’ll have the last laugh then.

It’s not that he’s up to no good. He’s very much a health conscious person. None of those vices that men are well-known for. But still I worry.

All that was mostly off-topic. I am supposed to talk about myself. It’s all about me today. It’s Fathers Day.

And what appreciation do I get from the kids? None. Not even a Happy Fathers Day greeting. They also don’t greet their mother on Mothers Day.

But then that’s how we want it to be. It doesn’t bother us because parents should be appreciated at all times. Likewise, children should be appreciated every day.

I would, however, feel well-appreciated already if the kids didn’t show their grumpy faces when they wake up. Both the boy and his sister are not exactly morning people.

That doesn’t mean I am trivialising the role of a father or today’s occasion.

I accept in good faith that it’s a day to honour our fathers (or mothers). It’s also a good reason for a happy family get-together. Maybe have a nice meal or just go for an outing.

To me, this is what the role of a father mostly is:



Taxi service

Homework consultant

Emergency standby


The above also holds true in defining a husband’s role although I would change the Homework to Housework (with “consultant” deleted).

Of course, I hope my children (and wife) think I am “Fabulous, Admirable, Trustworthy, Handsome, Exemplary, Reliable”.

Happy Fathers Day, fellow dads. And not forgetting mums who are single parents and have to play the role of father too.