Many people are unaware of pollution and how it hurts this planet.
There are many things that we do in our daily lives that cause pollution. One of the major causes is using our motorised vehicles.
Motor vehicles are recognised as one of the major sources of air pollution, particularly in highly populated areas.
This is because such vehicles emit dangerous gases into the air. Industrialisation is also another major polluter. Major industries across the globe release dust, smoke, fumes, and other toxic gases into the air, causing Mother Earth to choke.
There is also the meat industry. Over-consumption of meat causes many problems, including deforestation, loss of biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions, wastage of water, and soil degradation.
To prevent, or at least reduce pollution, we should work towards reducing the use of motor vehicles. We should learn to use public transportation.
We also need to recycle as much as possible, to not create more waste. Finally, we should work towards a plant-based diet to reduce pollution brought about by the meat industry.
Above and beyond what has been written, we should all spread awareness to those around us in order to reduce pollution for a better tomorrow.
This is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of Twentytwo13.
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