
The cape a teacher wears

A teacher’s story, the cape a teacher wears. Dedicated to teachers all over the world.

When we use our capes, we shape the character, calibre and future of our students.

As teachers, we go above and beyond for our students. It is we who make our students’ dreams come true. In doing this, we transform the world, not just the school.

Our capes represent us as the heroes of this world. Not Batman, not Robin, not Superman, but teachers.

Teaching is a calling, not a job. We are passionate about what we do and our positivity carries our students through their journey of not only the books but of life.

Teachers are not afraid to go the extra mile, wipe a tear, delve into their students’ heartaches, listen to a teenager from a broken home and stay up nights wondering how to lift their students.

Teachers are never in the spotlight. Even when we get a moment in the spotlight, we shine it on others.

We have our capes on all the time because teaching is a full-circle job and teachers are fully committed.

Teachers will never get rich. A lot of the extras that teachers bring to the classroom are out of their own pockets. Because it’s important to open our students to new ways of learning, to having fun and opening a new world to them.

We are the safe harbour from the storm when our students walk through our doors.

We keep them safe. We make them feel loved, even when we are in the midst of personal tragedy.

Nope, we are not rich. How much do we make? Do you want to know?

We make students work harder. We make them wonder, we make them question, we make them realise they have a brain and we make them use it to the best of their ability.

We make them follow their hearts. We make them into good people. We make them see potential in themselves. We make them courageous, for we show them that what they see as impossible is anything but that.

In every phase of a child’s life is a teacher, elementary, middle and high school. We are there watching them cope with all these transitional changes.

We answer their questions, listen to their problems, and teach them to cope with each new phase in their lives.

We don’t only watch them grow, we help them grow.

When using our hero capes, can we miraculously teach them everything we need them to know?

Of course not. Teaching them is not the answer, making them think is.

Teachers are heroes that hold more than one job. We are also planters as we plant knowledge to educate people. Our harvest is a lifetime.

We are a profession that creates all other professions.

Our students’ dreams begin with a teacher who believes in them, who leads them, helps them, and sometimes pokes them with a sharp stick.

We know our students need champions, someone who will never give up on them. Someone who insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.

Hence, we send out champions into the world. Champions, don’t give up because the teachers never give up on them.

We have students from all walks of life. Some from strong healthy functioning families. This makes the teacher’s jobs easier.

Others who don’t, only make our jobs more important.

We wear our capes a little stronger. We use our capes to protect and very often enclosed with the love that they are not receiving from their broken homes.

Unlike other professions, teachers never hang up their capes for they go through life with big hearts always looking to shape little minds.

Hundreds of students go through their hands, hundreds of futures. Teachers walk through life knowing that in a way, hundreds of lives belong to them.

Everything, each of the students have become, teachers too have become. Everything about who they are today is also because their students help create them.

This is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of Twentytwo13.