
The more things change, the more they stay the same

Dear Diary,

Today we entered Phase Four of the Movement Control Order (MCO) – beating the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) to it!

For non-fans, MCU’s Phase Four was to begin with the Black Widow movie on Friday, which will now open on Nov 6.

Here’s what I learnt from the three MCO phases.


The first thing it revealed is that there seem to be several levels to the law. One for the royals, another for politicians, a third for children of the elite, a fourth for celebrities and one for the common rakyat – who are punished the hardest. There’s a sixth level – the migrant workers – but not many bother about them, sadly.

However, Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabir Yaakob insists there are no different punishments for those who violate the MCO.

He had, during his daily briefing today, said: “No one is above the law of our country. The government is fair to all, anyone who is found violating the law, action will be taken (against them) regardless of their position.

“For example, (the issue of fine) involving Semanggol assemblyman (Razman Zakaria) and the Deputy Health Minister (Datuk Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali) they were fined for violating the standard operating procedure (SOP) under the MCO directives.”

In the case involving single mother, B. Lisa Christina, who was earlier sentenced to 30 days’ jail by the Petaling Jaya magistrate’s court only for the High Court to replace it with a RM1,000 fine today, Judicial Commissioner Datuk Norsharidah Awang said it was inappropriate to compare the sentence imposed by the magistrate’s court on Lisa Christina with the others as the facts of the cases were different.

Finally, I understand the phrase ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’.


Movies ya, not the dramas where everyone looks like carbon copies. And no, I still haven’t watched Parasite.

Korean movies can be brutal yet realistic and some of the comedies have been rib-tickling.

Most of the cast are average looking and don’t have flawless skin that makes them look fake – coughK-Popcough.


One reason I’ve been watching them is Astro keeps repeating the shows and movies (and also, what sports?).

I reckon Astro missed an opportunity to entice existing subscribers to add more packages – so many channels yet hardly anything to watch.


You wake up at 7am and the next thing you know it is midnight.

If it wasn’t for ‘The MCO Diaries’ I would probably forget what day or month it is – especially when you turn on Astro and see the same shows!


Speaking of time, I can’t believe I have struggled to finish reading a book in the past six weeks.

The target at the start of the year was a book a month and it went well in January and February.

I expected to be ahead of schedule, but I’ve only finished the book I began in March and just started a new one this morning.


I’ve had more time to cook and experiment in the kitchen although my wife has been cooking up a storm, too.

I made Tuak bread today. Tuak is a Sarawakian term for rice wine and is made from fermented rice, yeast and sugar.

I got the idea from this beer bread recipe. You can use Guinness Malta or carbonated water instead of alcohol.


I have always believed the old saying: ‘A drunken man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts’.

Similarly, many who are using the excuse of “sorry lah, going out of my mind because of MCO, I didn’t mean it” when spouting racist, sexist and other unsavoury words have been pruned from my friend’s list.


Who would have thought weekly shopping trips could bring so much happiness? Or going to pick up food from a restaurant. What a rush!


With several economic sectors allowed to operate fully from today, we have to be careful not to create a new wave or cluster. Please practise physical distancing and good hygiene.


Good news, two members of a family are allowed to travel together to purchase food, medicine, dietary supplements and other items from essential-service providers.

No Covid-19 deaths today. Unfortunately, there are 94 new cases – 72 of which are imported – this brings the total to 5,954. Fifty-five patients are discharged, taking the number of those cured to 4,087.


Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, who starred in Slumdog Millionaire, Life of Pi and Jurassic World, lost his battle with cancer.