
The United States – the real architect of the Palestinian genocide – unmasked

It is a mockery and hypocritical of the United States to purportedly send aid to Gaza (via three military planes to Egypt to bring in the aid) when it sends bombs and guided munitions to Israel to kill the same Palestinians it sends aid to.

It is like giving food with one hand, and poison with the other.

The United States has directly inflicted untold carnage and suffering, by encouraging the Zionists and others to participate in the genocide against the helpless Palestinians, and by supplying weapons to Israel, and enforcing a naval blockade off Gaza, supposedly to intercept enemy missiles being sent to Hamas to restock their weapons cache.

The United States has always aided Israel in all its conflicts against the Palestinians since the time when American President Harry S. Truman and Lord Arthur James Balfour confiscated Palestinian lands to forcefully set up the illegal Zionist state of Israel.

Since then, Israel, through several wars, and supported by the United States and Britain, have illegally expanded its land area by occupying Palestinian lands and squeezing them into a small sliver of real estate along the coast, called the Gaza Strip.

Through their control of the mainstream Western media and other international organisations, Israel perpetrated lies and duped the world into believing that the Palestinians’ resistance against armed occupation is ‘terrorism’, and that the Zionists were the aggrieved party, defending their homelands.

Several Western media have breached the ethics of journalism and consigned the ethos of journalistic integrity to the scrapheap of history to perpetuate the lies and propaganda spun by the White House and Tel Aviv.

The White House and Israel have for so long been lying to the world, twisting, and bending the truth by concocting fictitious news reports that glorify the Zionists and denigrate the Palestinians. This agenda has been the mainstay of the American/Israeli propaganda machine to serve the Zionist agenda, which in turn, shapes the minds of the American people and the world, to believe in their lies and propaganda.

The American public has swallowed the narrative dished out by the Zionists, hook, line, and sinker, and had kept from the American people news that the Zionist-controlled White House had misappropriated American taxpayers’ monies to fund Israel’s slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

The American people’s mindset, shaped and cocooned within the confines of the Zionist-controlled media, are exposed only to the slanted, prejudiced, and even fictitious news coverage that mask the truth.

But social media has thwarted the Israeli/American propaganda machine, and exposed their lies and their treachery. With this alternative source of news, Western media organisations have lost their credibility and have been exposed as nothing more than Zionist propaganda machines.

America can no longer hide behind the lies and propaganda by distorting news, and issuing false statements to confuse the people.

For example, a US spokesman said that the US was working relentlessly to improve the situation in Rafah and Gaza, and to support humanitarian pauses in the conflict. However, almost in the same breath, the US deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, Robert Wood, vetoed the UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. By vetoing the UN resolution, the US has given Israel carte blanche to continue with the carnage.

It simply means that the United States is the real architect of the genocide, using any and all means at its disposal to mislead the American people and the rest of the world.

Such is the diabolical plan of this nation.

The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the writer and do not necessarily represent that of Twentytwo13.