
Ti Lian Ker to Anthony Loke: Be accountable for DAP’s repeated promises

Anthony Loke

The people have been looking forward to the future since 2018, when they voted for “Asalkan bukan Umno”, and “Ubah” (change).

Looking back on the 22 months of DAP’s ‘promised land’ of “A New Malaysia”, what we got instead was Mahathirism, Kongres Masa Depan Bumiputera dan Negara 2018, and ‘no’ to the ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, among others.

There’s no promised “level playing field”, no local government elections, no Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) recognition, no removal of the word “Bumiputera” irrevocably, undertaken by DAP, and many more.

Let’s not argue or remind ourselves of the past 22 months of grievances, nightmares of unfair taxes targeted at certain groups, and the numerous U-turns on policies.

I do not have the time to argue or debate the many debacles and failed promises by DAP in particular, but I am sincerely appealing to DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke to look into the future and be accountable for the repeated promises made by his party.

If we were to go into their promises, it would take many more pages; I’d rather Loke spare some time to look deep down inside, and give us back the CAT (competency, accountability, and transparency) that DAP had promised.

The CAT seemed to have disappeared from DAP the moment they took power in 2018 and resumed power in Putrajaya in 2022.

DAP has undertaken a better future for all Malaysians with its five special commitments to Felda settlers, Indians, women, youths, and senior citizens.

Why the special mention of (the mostly Bumiputera) Felda settlers and Indians? Where is DAP’s no-race politics? Why were Chinese New Villages left out?

I understand DAP has been talking about Chinese grievances in every political rally that they have organised for the community.

As per Loke’s words, I am reminded not to talk about the past, or bring up grievances of the rakyat, but I would also like to remind DAP to walk their talk of the future that it had promised the rakyat under their New Malaysia Declaration. These are (or were) some of their promises for the future:

• To be a responsible coalition partner in power by removing all kleptocrats. To be exact, DAP promised this to the voters (in its 2018 Manifesto): “Pakatan Harapan is determined to stop Umno and Barisan Nasional’s failure to guarantee the welfare of the common people, especially those who live in rural areas, the Indians and the indigenous people, as well as the lower-middle class who are often forgotten. Our promises are for the 99 per cent, and not just for the 1 per cent cronies of Umno and Barisan Nasional”.

The specific mention of Indians was highlighted, despite being a “no-race party”.

• DAP promised to reduce the people’s burden but now, we are talking about a greater burden faced by the rakyat today. Are we going to dismiss this as MCA’s grievances and move on to talk about the bright future ahead?

Let’s not talk about past grievances. Instead, let’s look at DAP’s past promises and what it has done to fulfil those promises.

• DAP promised hope to all citizens, regardless of race and religion. DAP promised to stop the rot in key national institutions and return to the rule of law by ensuring the independence and integrity of important government agencies. The same practice of political appointments is seen today, and the grievances of the Bumiputeras continue to be highlighted and discussed, while others, especially the Chinese, seem to be ignored. Are Chinese issues now sensitive under the 3Rs (race, religion and royalty)?

• DAP will cleanse Malaysia of corruption, malfeasance, and kleptocracy, and at the same time, drive sustainable economic growth, so that the benefits can be shared by all, not just by a few people in power. Some may say DAP needs more time to deliver, but in the meantime, the rakyat are suffering.

• DAP will offer leaders who are clean and committed to cleaning up this country of the rot, and leaders who are committed to helping people of all backgrounds. Is that truly so?

Let’s stop at these three and hope that DAP will update us on the initiatives that have been taken by them.

The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the writer and do not necessarily represent that of Twentytwo13.