
Time for Malaysia to move towards its own digital universe

In this age and era, it is common that our mobile devices are cluttered with social media applications.

Regardless of one’s age, most of us are familiar with social media applications, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In recent years, new social media applications have also emerged, such as TikTok and BeReal.

To keep up with current trends, the founders of social media titan, Facebook, renamed their company Meta, after the word metaverse. If you are not familiar with the term metaverse, it is what has been defined as a medium for communication that bridges physical, and virtual experiences.

Metaverse has been making a large impact on the social media community. Hypebeast, a company that focuses on the latest fashion and lifestyle trends in social media, has also stepped into the metaverse with their latest social media account, Hypemoon.

Hypemoon is a platform that focuses solely on metaverse news, such as new mobile applications, digital art, cryptocurrencies, blockchain and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Recently, there is a new application called Bondee, which is a free-to-play social application where users can customise their avatars, talk, and engage with one another. Bondee is based in the metaverse and has been gaining popularity amongst the younger generation. Bondee was created by a Singapore tech firm called Metadream.

Bondee brands itself similar to video games like Sims and Roblox, but with an added chatting feature similar to WhatsApp, and a photo-sharing feature similar to BeReal, an app where photos posted cannot be edited.

I had decided to download Bondee recently to give it a try.

The connection with the metaverse to real-life is amazing. You are provided with an avatar, which you can customise with the various outfits and styles.

Besides creating your own avatar, you are also given your own room, which you can design however you like.

On the home screen, you can type messages and show your status like a Twitter tweet. This application combines both NFTs and their own blockchain, together with its own unique currency called B-Beans.

As the world evolves, we start to see older applications such as Facebook and Twitter advancing their technology to keep up with the times, while new applications, such as Bondee, are gaining popularity amongst newer generations of users.

With this, we see countries such as South Korea, the Netherlands, and Austria slowly moving towards digital currencies and encouraging companies to start investing in the metaverse.

I do hope we start to see Malaysia moving towards its own cryptocurrency and digital universe.

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This is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of Twentytwo13.