
Tired of waiting, e-magazine editor comes up with SOP for CNY

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

That is the motto Kon Wai Luen is living by as he is frightened by the alarming rise in Covid-19 cases in the country.

As such, he has come up with a standard operating procedure (SOP) without waiting for guidelines from the National Security Council (NSC).

“No visitors, no visiting and reunion dinner via Zoom,” said Kon, an editor with online magazine Aurizn Malaysia.

“I don’t know why it is taking the authorities so long to come up with the SOP. But even if they do allow visitors, my doors will be closed.

“The number of cases is just too high. You never know who might have the coronavirus,” he added.

Kon admitted he has not visited his parents for close to two weeks.

“If I have to drop something off for them, I leave it at the terrace. I do not enter the house. I do this because I have been meeting people in the course of my job.”

He said he knows several people who have had, or are suffering from Covid-19, or been in contact with someone who has the coronavirus.

“Previously, it was not in the community, or it affected people you are not close to or familiar with,” said Kon, who is married to Marianne Edwina Santa Maria and has two daughters – Judith and Aurelia.

“Now it is among my friends. It is really scary. I will feel guilty if I pass on the virus to them.”

Kon said he was just as cautious during the Christmas period as he reduced the number of visits to his in-laws.

“During Christmas, the number of cases was not as high. You know Serani family … Christmas is a big thing … but last year we scaled down the celebrations.

“The easiest way to spread Covid-19 is when you are together in an enclosed space and home is an enclosed space.”

Kon added he wants to know what the end game is for the Movement Control Order (MCO) which was extended to Feb 18.

“Is there a contingency plan? One year on from the first Covid-19 case in Malaysia (Jan 25, 2020) … it’s ridiculous that we are still ‘fine-tuning’ SOPs.

“It may be too late for the MCO. It will be six months to a year before the number of infections comes down.

“It is now up to us. We have to be extra careful where we go. If you have to meet people, do so in an outdoor setting if possible”.

Even while jogging, Kon will cross the road if he sees anyone else coming towards him.

“Sadly, I’m the only one who does that. I’m just being careful, more so as I have two young daughters at home.”