
Twentytwo13 launches Project 60.1 to raise funds for WAO

These are hard times. There is no need to give facts and figures to emphasise that people are sinking fast in quick sand. Everything that had to be said has been said.

It is time for us to walk the talk and do something about this predicament. Let’s help our fellow humans, even if all we can spare is a few words of encouragement.

With that in mind, Twentytwo13 is embarking on Project 60.1 to do our part for those in need.

Project 60.1 aims to raise awareness that even the tiniest bit of caring and sharing can make a world of difference for others.

The main initiative under this project is to raise funds for Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) which helps survivors of domestic violence.

Like many other welfare organisations, WAO has been hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and funds are running low. The organisation needs RM250,000 for the rest of this year just to keep its programmes running.

WAO provides direct support to beneficiaries through The Refuge, Child Care Centre and The Child Activity Centre.

Twentytwo13 is zeroing in on the survivors’ children. They need to be schooled, fed and counselled.

Our target is a modest RM5,000 which will help ease WAO’s burden of caring for the children for a month.

Twentytwo13 will source for the RM5,000 from family and friends only. This is to ensure accountability and transparency.

Our readers and other fellow Malaysians can donate directly to Women’s Aid Organisation at CIMB Bank Berhad 80-0238299-7 (Reference: Children’s Programme).

For more information, contact or visit

The RM5,000 won’t come that easy though as I am pledging to walk 25km on Nov 28 to earn the money for WAO.

The walk is also to symbolise the brave women and children who take the big step to walk away from domestic abuse to start life afresh.

Details of the walk are being worked out but it will be kept safe and simple, given the Covid-19 pandemic.

On Nov 4, 2018,  Twentytwo13 organised ‘Sila Lari, Jangan Duduk‘ a 5km fun run at Padang Merbok. The name of the run was a play of words based on an amusing remark by then Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V in the Dewan Rakyat.

Despite the perceived sensitivity, over 800 runners took part, including representatives from Istana Negara, the Olympic Council of Malaysia and the Football Association of Malaysia.

On Nov 23, 2019, Twentytwo13 together with Malaysia Mixed Martial Arts Association organised Fight For Change 2019. The highlight of the event, which was supported by the National Press Club (NPC) of Malaysia, saw our co-founder and editor Haresh Deol take on professional fighter Shareh Nasrullah. The event raised RM31,000 and the money was channeled to the NPC’s Journalist Welfare Fund.

We’ll see how things churn out in the next few weeks. At worst, the walk will be postponed to a later date but we hope not.

Besides the walk, I am also pledging to go bald to show support for cancer patients, a few of whom are my friends.

I’ll also go on a “special diet” for six weeks whereby I’ll refrain from eating my favourite food – banana leaf rice. This is to empathise with fellow Malaysians who have been hit hard and are struggling to put food on the table.

It is a token gesture but I hope it raises awareness so that the more fortunate ones among us can make a difference.

More details on these initiatives will be made known as we go along.

Together we can make it work.