Water is the essence of life.
But many do not realise that the very basic ingredient for life can remember better than our memory.
The environmental condition in which water flows through is recorded by the water, not simply through the H20 molecules, but the collective nature of many molecules that can flow, which is referred to as soft matter.
Japanese researcher Dr Masaru Emoto showed, in his experiment, that environmental vibrations can be recorded in water memory and observed in frozen water crystals under a microscope.
His work was published in established journals and highlighted in prestigious magazines.
Since then, the research on water memory continues to inspire many related works, most notably, Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier’s, as well as inviting scepticism and criticisms.
The idea of water memory came earlier from French immunologist Jacques Benveniste in the context of homeopathy.
His works suggest that water has the ability to store information in various forms: acoustic, electromagnetic vibrations, and even thoughts.
Using Emoto’s technique, researchers in Tainan, Taiwan, developed better experiments with frozen water, which clearly show that good intentions, words, and mantras from various religions preserved the symmetry of the water crystals, while the symmetry was broken by unpleasing intentions.
The sensitive response of water to surrounding stimulation (external environment) is reflected in the formation of varying water crystals upon freezing.
Under the microscope, the crystal structure would naturally appear as aesthetically beautiful six-fold symmetry, or otherwise, depending on thoughts, words, and images, projected onto the water. External manifestations would be “recorded” as memory of the vibrations in the water.
From a scientific perspective, it is not that water can see and hear words or understand languages.
According to quantum physics, the space and fields around us can affect matter at the atomic and molecular levels. Therefore, it is the quantum vacuum and quantum fields of the external vibrations associated with these communications or expressions that affect the collective molecular quantum states of the water.
The state of matter also depends on how we look, or think of it. Basically, subtle information from surrounding vibrations can be stored as quantum memory in the water molecules.
Water constitutes 60 per cent of the human body, so the environment of the water we consume would significantly affect human wellbeing.
Since life depends on water, it is important to understand how (quantum) information is transferred (coherently) from the aggregates of water molecules, to living organisms.
Based on quantum physics, water molecules can carry quantum information and act as a quantum memory, an important research topic being explored in the context of developing quantum internet and quantum computers.
The concept of quantum memory has the potential to provide scientific validation for water memory. A recent paper in the science journal Nature shows the importance of water memory on vegetation.
Thus, enhancing our fundamental understanding of water can improve the agricultural sector and transform the way we use, treat, and consume water.
While we know the chemistry and physics of water molecule quite well, water, as a liquid itself, is a complex system of soft matter that is still not fully understood.
Efforts to understand the memory effect of water is continuously being explored using various models, including the perspectives of thermodynamics and quantum field theory, which governs collective quantum effects of particles.
For thousands of years, religious practices, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Hinduism have applied memory of water for purification and sanctification during prayers and ablution.
Progress in scientific experimentation, with insightful theory, may narrow the gap between modern science and traditional religious practices.
It may provide insights into the mysteries of water, such as the miracle of Zamzam water and homeopathy.
Professor Raymond Ooi with the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya. This is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of Twentytwo13.