My hiking friends and others have been asking me when the 5km Bukit Kiara jogging trail will open.
The National Landscape Department (JLN), which is in charge, has so far remained silent although similar hiking trails such as the one at Taman Tugu have opened with safety measures such as taking your temperature and making the trail one way.
There is pent-up demand to walk, hike and cycle at Bukit Kiara but nothing seems to have been done to pave the way for the reopening. JLN has not acted in getting ready and preparing the trail in line with the new normal rules such as social distancing.
Those eager to return to this popular track, be mindful that hiking will not be as smooth as before.
During the past two months, nature has had time to recuperate and in the process, the undergrowth has reclaimed its territory, and will hamper the walk/hike.
Also there will be broken tree branches which will have to be cleared manually or you work around it. Some would want to equip themselves to handle such situations.
Fallen or uprooted trees will make it challenging, so be well-prepared.
Here are some tips to make your hike safer:
- Arm yourself with a small bottle of sanitiser
- Wear gloves
- When going downhill at steep spots, avoid clinging on to the trees by the side of the trail either to pull you up or act as a ‘brake’. Should you accidentally touch the trees, quickly sanitise your hands
- Remind yourself not to walk side by side; instead practise social/physical distancing and in a single file, two metres apart
- After the hike/walk, do not mingle to have your usual chit-chat sessions – head straight home
Those who have been cycling, walking and hiking up Bukit Kiara regularly can hardly wait for the tarmac and jungle trails to open. It is hoped JLN will act on this plea on behalf of all enthusiasts.
This is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily represent the views of Twentytwo13.