
Decoding ‘AI Untuk Rakyat’: Good way to better understand artificial intelligence

Digital technology, specifically artificial intelligence (AI), seems to be the new ‘oil’ for Malaysia. The government has been harping on the need to strengthen this sector, as it continues to attract some of the biggest names in the world to invest in the country.

But how much do the people know about AI? And is AI merely about ChatGPT and Canva?

The Digital Ministry, via MyDigital Corporation, came up with ‘AI Untuk Rakyat’. It is a self-learning online platform aimed at educating the rakyat (people) about the ever-evolving AI technology. Launched seven months ago, over one million people have completed the course, to date.

The team at Twentytwo13 spent some two hours going through the programmes. Here are some observations:

For those who are already familiar with AI, they will find this programme rather basic. There is a disclaimer at the very beginning of the lesson, saying the programme will not be able to make you an AI expert. Some may even have strong views about how it is presented. But clearly, the experts are not the target demographics. ‘AI Untuk Rakyat’ is for those who have no clue as to what AI is about. Or those who think they know, but whose misconceptions would be evident upon completing the course. It also touches on ethical concerns surrounding AI.

The programme is generally divided into two main sections – AI Aware and AI Appreciate. AI Aware is where one gets a basic understanding of AI and its applications. AI Appreciate showcases how AI is used in different industries, and the different domains of AI.

Signing up for the programme is straightforward, especially if you have an existing Gmail account. Once in, you will be given reading materials, and even a video tutorial on specific areas of AI. These materials are often accompanied by short quizzes. Some of them are so easy, that you would be able to get them right, even if you didn’t read, or watch the earlier materials.

You will need to complete AI Aware and collect an AI Aware badge before moving on to AI Appreciate to earn the badge and complete the full course.

The AI Aware section provides learners with a brief insight of what AI is about. However, one would have a better understanding of AI in the AI Appreciate segment, as learners will be given a sneak peek into statistical data, natural language processing, and computer vision. If these words are alien to you, don’t worry. The programme provides a summary of what these domains mean.

By using real-life examples, one would get a better picture of how AI can be used in various fields, whether it is agriculture, or healthcare. For the record, it took us some two hours to complete the programme. Upon completion, it also got us reading up on some of the domains.

‘AI Untuk Rakyat’ is a great way to get Malaysians, regardless of age or locality, to get a general idea of what this technology is all about, instead of relying on unverified forwarded WhatsApp messages about AI.