
Get well soon Boris, Prince Charles and EPL

Dear Diary,

I was extremely worried after hearing Boris Johnson has Covid-19. Coupled with the news that Prince Charles is also positive, this could mean Britain might be more serious in fighting the coronavirus and horror of all horrors, lead to the cancellation of the Premier League season. On the home front, I struck bread jackpot.

Here’s how Day 11 of the Movement Control Order unfolded for me.

3.33am: SLEEPLESS IN SUBANG – I haven’t been sleeping well even before the MCO. I usually wake up around the Devil’s Hour. It’s no different today. Oops.

6am-7.59am: KEEP IT DOWN – Various noises, including my meowing cat, keep me awake. On the flip side, I resumed reading a book I haven’t touched since MCO began.

8am: CLEANING UP – A major cleaning and disinfection exercise was carried out in and around Seri Petaling Mosque.

9.27am: STOCKING UP – Had to go get some medication. Crowds were forming outside several pharmacies. The good news – parking was a breeze in Taipan and masks were available at AA Pharmacy.

9.43am: NO SICK NOTES – Paid several bills and for once, every single note was accepted by the ATMs without a problem. Maybe the coronavirus got all the sick ones out of circulation! Hurrah!

10.23am: BREAKFAST RUN – Since I was in Taipan, tapau-ed pancakes from McDonald’s (pity Burger King doesn’t have them). It’s true McD does have stringent checks before allowing you in (Just wish they paid as much attention to the quality of their food).

11.01am: JACKPOT! I’VE THE DOUGH – A community service message for those in Subang. Restoran Meisek in USJ14/1K.

12.15pm: SHARING IS CARING – Although I hate the hoarders, I’m kind enough to share a recipe if you have too much bread or if it has gone stale. It’s by one of my favourites, Mark Bittman.

1.12pm: NEW ‘SCAM’ – Pipa Arbee (still waiting for your second article), shared this message.

1.38pm: NO ENTRY – Several Petaling Jaya roads were closed to limit public movement.

Scene at Gasing Indah. Image: Courtesy of Mary Reggie

2.47pm: BE GENEROUS – Bahas Bola started a poll asking if footballers earning above RM45,000 should consider a wage deferral compensation agreement.

4.01pm: DUTY CALLS – Just as I’m about to tuck into some French toast with cheese and syrup, I get a message from my colleague Pearl Lee. I think, like my other colleague Haresh Deol, she has a CCTV somewhere in my home.

5.05pm: ANOTHER DEATH – There are 159 new Covid-19 cases which bring the total to 2,320. The death toll increased by one to 27.

5.30pm: MUSICAL SALUTE – Second round of listening to sports journalist Fabian Peter and friends on Unrestricted Stage. The performances in this two-day event are to honour our frontliners in the fight against Covid-19.

5.46: TIE UP THAT ASS – Daily reminder about social distancing.

6.03pm: SNOOZE – The Beatles know how I feel as it is not easy doing ‘The MCO Diaries’.