
Human Resources Ministry taking steps to future-proof Malaysia’s workforce in light of AI

The Human Resources Ministry is taking steps to future-proof the workforce after a six-month study revealed that 600,000 workers across 10 sectors will need reskilling or upskilling in the next three to five years due to the impact of artificial intelligence (AI).

However, Human Resources Minister Steven Sim said the Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digitalisation, and Green Economy Impact Study by Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) should be viewed positively as a ‘roadmap’ on how the ministry can provide training to assist those affected.

TalentCorp, an agency under the Human Resources Ministry, is responsible for driving Malaysia’s talent strategy towards becoming a dynamic talent hub.

Sim highlighted that the digital economy is expected to contribute 25.5 per cent to Malaysia’s gross domestic product by 2025.

“I don’t want people to view this study in a negative, pessimistic, or cynical manner. We commissioned the study to find out who will be affected and what the ministry can do to help them,” Sim said during a media briefing with selected editors, including Twentytwo13, in Kuala Lumpur today.

“The study identified highly-impacted, medium-impacted, and low-impacted jobs, and 60 types of emerging jobs. Some of those in their current roles can transition to these emerging jobs with the right training.”

Sim said the study examined 10 sectors and identified the three most vulnerable as wholesale, retail and trade, food manufacturing and services, and global business services.

The other seven sectors covered in the study are information and communication technologies, pharmaceutical manufacturing, electronics, aerospace, medical devices, chemicals, and energy and power.

“This is phase one of the study. We will continue with phase two, which will cover 13 sectors, and this will be an ongoing process,” Sim added.

“We will reveal the full details when we launch the MyMahir website in November.

“The study also found that the four most valuable jobs across all 10 sectors are artificial intelligence engineer, data analyst, data scientist, and sustainability engineer.”

The study further revealed that jobs in the ICT industry will shift from technical roles to IT governance and IT auditing due to the influence of AI.

“These (IoT) jobs already exist but will become more prominent over the next five years.

“So, those in this industry can remain employed if they upskill themselves. We are here to help.”