
Johor Sultan makes an appearance in Kembara Mahkota Johor despite shoulder surgery

The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar, is synonymous with Kembara Mahkota Johor (KMJ), and refused to allow something like a shoulder surgery to stop him from meeting Johoreans.

The Ruler entrusted his son, the Crown Prince of Johor Tunku Ismail Ibrahim, to lead this year’s edition of the KMJ, but made an appearance in Mersing yesterday, much to the surprise and delight of the residents there.

“Like all other parents, I am training my children to carry out our family’s responsibilities. Eventually, they will have to ‘shoulder’ these duties,” Sultan Ibrahim told the Johor Royal Press Office.

“This year, I have entrusted the expedition to the Crown Prince and his siblings. I came for a ‘spot check’,” he said in jest.

Besides Tunku Ismail, the others in the royal convoy included Che’ Puan Besar Khaleeda Bustamam, Tunku Idris Iskandar Al-Haj Sultan Ibrahim (Tunku Temenggong of Johor), Tunku Abu Bakar Al-Haj Sultan Ibrahim (Tunku Putera of Johor), and Datuk Dennis Muhammad Abdullah.

The KMJ expedition covers 882km and all 10 districts in the state. It ends today.