
Still getting Covid-19 vaccine appointments far from home? Use interactive helpdesk, says KJ

If your Covid-19 vaccination appointment is far from your home, don’t worry.

Coordinating Minister for the Covid-19 National Immunisation Programme, Khairy Jamaluddin said you can reach out to MySejahtera’s interactive help desk.

“Those who get appointments elsewhere, or even in different states, can make a request via the helpdesk and we will give a (new) appointment to the nearest vaccination centre to you, as quickly as possible,” said Khairy.

This comes after several people have been given appointments some 20km away from their homes, or even in different states.

He added those who were given appointment dates, only to find the vaccination centre closed, were victims of “a manual error”.

“We are investigating… there has been manual upload of appointments. This will be resolved as most vaccination centres will soon be open seven days a week,” he added.

Yesterday, a woman in her 60s was scheduled to receive her Covid-19 vaccine at the Sunway Convention Centre, as per her MySejahtera details, only to find the vaccination centre closed.

She later got her vaccination appointment changed to the Malaysia International Trade and Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

Khairy also revealed that some 700 media personnel have received their shots and that more will be vaccinated this week.