
Till we meet again, Halim

Halim Said

That dreaded 2am phone call came at 3pm today – in the form of a WhatsApp message.

That’s one thing you can never accept or expect when you live far away from home. That dreadful phone call or message when you learn someone close to you has gone to a better place and is never coming back.

My long-time friend and former colleague, Halim Said, who was also one of the chirpiest person I knew, drew his last breath today.

Both of us started our careers as cadet reporters at the same time. We got yelled at for silly mistakes, shared meals (and money), covered each other’s backs and stood up for one another.

Since moving to Perth, I hadn’t had a chance to meet him but we kept in touch through social media. This was where we spent time talking to each other, as if we were seated side by side.

I appreciate conversations online not only with him but with everyone else.

Say what you want about social media but for me and many others based abroad, it’s the best way to keep in touch with friends and family back home.

Those who lived abroad in the yesteryear depended on letters or telegram. I cannot image how they felt learning about the death of their loved ones days later.

Life is short. And from here on, I will continue to the best of my ability to always keep in touch and let everyone know how much I love and appreciate them being in my life – just like how Halim would.

Rest in peace Halim. Till we meet again.

Editor’s note: We at Twentytwo13 are saddened with the loss of former Malay Mail and News Straits Times reporter Abdul Halim Said, 37. Halim, who was based in Johor Bahru, passed away at the Ampang Hospital at 2.40pm following a viral infection in his liver and brain. He was buried at the Bukit Kepong Muslim cemetery in Beranang after Isyak prayers.