
Tough times don’t last, tough people, do





Dear Diary,

The ninth day of the Movement Control Order (MCO) saw 235 more cases of Covid-19 in the country and it looks like we have tougher days ahead.

On a separate note, my Manchester United supporting friends (who knew I had so many?) all share the same joke.

8.53am: FAREWELL, KIND SIR – Received news that K. Rasalingam, one of Kuala Lumpur FA’s founding members, has died. Rest in peace.

8.54am (and ongoing): THANK GOD FOR WIFI – Received the same joke from certain “friends”. Would have probably used up my data plan if it was not for Unifi. Don’t know what’s worse. That they have only one joke (besides the club) or the fact many took the trouble to download the video to send via WhatsApp.

You can view it here.

9.55am: GETTING IT RIGHT – Watch a preview of this weekend’s The RSS with HD which will talk about indoor fun (no, not what you’re thinking).

1.09pm: STAY SAFE – Our Agong and Raja Permaisuri Agong are in self-quarantine as seven Istana Negara staff have Covid-19.

1.45pm: STERN MESSAGE – Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob says we may have to brace for stricter regulations under the second phase of MCO. In case you still need a visual aid about social/physical distancing, this might help.

1.49pm: MY PRECIOUS – An interesting observation by Haresh.

2.04pm: UNMASKING THE TRUTH – Find out why some countries encourage the use of face masks and others don’t. Read this report.

2.23pm: THROWBACK – Valuable messages from the last century.

3.05pm: ABOUT TIME – The prime minister, minister and his deputy ministers will take a two-month pay cut and donate their salaries to Tabung Covid-19. It’s a good thing the majority are well off – certain former ministers treat RM2 million as loose change.

3.35pm: SNAIL’S PACE – Moved workstation closer to the bedroom window as wanted some fresh air and then this happened.

I am paying for 500mb. I received an email from Telekom Malaysia in September last year with an acceptance form that I ‘signed’ when its technician ‘came to fix a new router which could handle the higher speed’.

Emailed them back and even called to say no one turned up but no response until today. I’m now stuck with a two-year contract extension but without the promised bandwidth.

4.33pm: FICKLE WEATHER – Just as I get comfortable in my new spot (the LAN cable means I’m up to 94/65 download/upload speed), it starts to drizzle. Several minutes after moving the table, the sun comes out. Moved back and it starts to rain. Someone hates me.

5pm: ALARM BELLS – Health Ministry director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah says as at noon there have been 235 new cases which makes it a total of 2,031 cases. The death toll is 23.

6pm: SING IT – On the third day of ‘The MCO Diaries’ I mentioned Dana Jay Bein’s tweets about Coronavirus Rhapsody. Well, someone has recorded the song. Enjoy and stay safe folks.

9.01pm: Enhanced restrictions in two villages – The Enhanced Movement Control Order has been imposed on Kampung Dato’ Ibrahim Majid and Bandar Baharu Dato’ Ibrahim Majid in Simpang Renggam, Johor. Of the 83 cases in Kluang, 61 were from these villages.

Residents cannot leave their homes beginning midnight (March 27) until April 9, 2020. There will also be no business activities. The Welfare Department will provide basic food needs to the 3,570 people in these areas.