
Rotary International District 3300 remains committed to protecting Mother Nature

Environmental sustainability is close to the hearts of Rotary clubs under District 3300.

In fact, Rotary International District 3300 established an action group on environmental sustainability (DAGES) in 2018 with the aim of creating awareness regarding environmental issues in Malaysia.

The action group also assists in developing projects and initiatives to address environmental issues through its network of Interact, Rotaract and Rotary clubs.

DAGES focuses on conservation, (which includes zero waste), wildlife protection, and recycling.

The first initiative was the ‘Recycle for Life’ project, which was carried out in collaboration with Global Environment Centre (GEC), MyKasih, and Cenviro. The project, which also saw cooperation from the Education Ministry and a grant from Coca-Cola (USA), benefited over 40,000 students from 80 schools in the Klang Valley.

The students participated in this programme, where several Interact clubs took the lead and helped create environmental awareness through various activities and projects.

The two-year project, which ended in March 2020, successfully addressed the issue of sustainable waste management. The project was halted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

On Aug 29, 2022, DAGES received recognition from the Dialog Group Bhd, a leading integrated technical service provider to the energy sector, for the ‘Recycle for Life’ project.

The Rotary Peace Park Malaysia, located in Bestari Jaya, Selangor, is another project by DAGES.

It was carried out in collaboration with Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LUAS). The park is a long-term project focusing on the afforestation of the area, promoting environmental conservation and education, water resource protection, and socio-economic development of the rural communities in Kuala Selangor.

A total of 300 trees were planted at the park when it was launched on June 29, 2019.

Since then, activities like tree planting, tree care, maintenance work, and gotong-royong are actively organised by volunteers, non-governmental organisations, college students, and the surrounding community.

On July 4, 2021, DAGES organised the inaugural edition of the Global Climate Conference that gathered like-minded individuals and organisations from across the globe to learn, share ideas, discuss thoughts, network, create new ideas, and to motivate participants in preserving and protecting the environment. The conference addressed the global challenges brought about by climate change and invited dialogues and discussions on practices and approaches from around the world.

A month-long pre-event webinar set the course and tone of the conference, with topics ranging from forest and tiger conservation, sustainable lifestyle ideas, and climate change.

The conference drew 2,228 participants from 46 nations.

The Global Climate Conference opened up opportunities for partnerships and collaborations. DAGES partnered with the non-governmental organisation #HugOurTree, to mobilise all Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs to support Malaysia’s ambitious 10 million tree-planting campaign (2020 to 2025).

More Rotary clubs in District 3300 are taking up urban farming projects with their respective communities. One of the successful ones is Rotary Club of Kampung Baru City Centre’s Laman Ulaman.

Members of the club work with local communities, including refugees, to nurture this urban farming initiative that improves the local economy.

Moving forward, DAGES remains steadfast in championing environment sustainability initiatives and projects locally and internationally, through Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs in District 3300.